Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pau and the Pyrenees Mountains

Made it back to farm 1 with Barbara, Jerome, Celestine, and Ema! Thrilled to be back and we've already had a great time. I have wifi for another day while visiting Barbara's mother in Pau, France. So I'm taking advantage and posting the pictures now because it's easier on my phone. (lazy? Yes.)
We've gone swimming a ton in this pond near the house (not like ponds in Florida, it's clean and there aren't alligators in there)
There's a new kitten at the house, I pity him because young children don't know he's not a stuffed animal. But he'll survive ;)
Ema and Homie taking a nap while we pulled weeds
I mentioned that rhubarb pie is my favorite and that same night we had some, fresh from the garden! Awesome!
Did I mention it was rhubarb meringue pie? Yeah. Mmm.
The girls love the jam I brought from the last farm! Thanks, Étienne!
Celestine wanted her model moment, too
The kitten thought it could hide on the tree from this red diva. He thought wrong.
Dancing with the dog to African music
Who isn't always in a good mood when this surrounds you? All the fields around us and on the sides of the roads look like this.
Taking a walk with Barbara 
Jerome finished the new bread oven after I left the last time and now he makes bread waaay faster 
There's this hard but fun board game to help with conjugating verbs. I learned a lot haha
Mosaic party with the girls and friends
Breakfast regime for me. Yes, that is a book in French. I'm halfway done! Stoked. First French book I've read.
We took the girls to a skatepark and the wanted the chocolate we had up front. We made them beg.
Then, the sugar crash happened.
This was the park, it was sketchy but fun!
I prepped ratatouille. I got this far into the onions before crying...
Now were visiting Barbara's mom in Pau and we hiked some of the Pyrenees mountains. Spain is just on the other side!
There was snow on some peaks still
The river was clear, cold, and gorgeous 
I'm stoked and proud that Barbara, mother of two, dropped in her first quarterpipe the other day here in Pau! Nice job, Barbara!
We watched some people go rafting at this cool place (too expensive)
My bed for the past 4 days, comfy and cute!
I finally got a new tanktop! And got this pic of a poptart on the ramp in Pau
And this back feeble

We're returning to Chalais in the morning, it's been fun here and it's great being back with this family! A good week and a half so far!