Monday, May 12, 2014

Who Knew I Could Combine Skating, Teaching, and Travel All in 2 Hours!?

I was able to go to school today with Barbara and do a presentation about rollerblading, wwoofing, traveling, and America. Then we did a roll play about getting to Bordeaux by train. I spoke in English so they all had to try to communicate and work on their English. It was AWESOME! Here are a few photos from the past couple of days, with the photos of today at the end :)
 My horse friends. De-de and Melaka

 We made this fence for them to graze in this field. Very beautiful!
 I'm glad I brought these boots, they have kept my socks dry many a time :)
 It gives me so much pleasure to see all of these girls loving rollerblading at the skatepark. I'm proud to have brought something like this into their lives and I hope they continue when I am gone!
 I should probibaboobibabibly use my gloves more often!
This cat had wittle babies! AWWWW
 The skate competition in Bordeaux yesterday was very fun, but very unorganized. I placed 4th :/
 The classroom from today!
Everyone came in on their break to see my rollerblading haha!

It was very fun, and with only a week left, I know I'll miss this place a lot!

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