Still having a great time here! Here's what's new. Catherine leaves on Sunday and that puts Étienne behind schedule, I think. She was supposed to stay for another 2 weeks or so. He was already behind because the last wwoofers were terrible. However, this has given me a purpose and a challenge of working quickly and efficiently (more than usual ;) to try to catch up. I like to have goals.

The benefits of picking fruit is that you have plenty of snacks while you do it!

And cherries are delicious. Étienne was picking them off the tree with his treth because his hands were full, ha!
I went for a walk during nap time (after lunch every day) and came across this little hole in the trees. Obviously, I climbed down it... Cassandra in Wonderland

I went for a walk during nap time (after lunch every day) and came across this little hole in the trees. Obviously, I climbed down it... Cassandra in Wonderland

And found this beautiful path in the trees! After scrambling up the slippery path to get back out. I walked back to the house and saw that there was a simple pathway I could have walked to exit the forestjme a same person. Pffft, my way was way more fun. I'm glad no one saw me, though...

This is one of my studying techniques in the morning. A French comic book and my notebook for new words I learn :) And some tea!

Yesterday we went to Grenoble and worked a stall at the farmers, market there. It was fun!

And today we prepped some apricots for later before I helped with the jelly process some more. I'm excited for when blackberries are ready! A week or so, Étienne said. Ps! I learned that mûre is blackberry, and mure is ripe. I want some mure mûres!
More mure mUres