There haven't been many posts lately for two reasons. The first is because not much has happened...I work a bunch and then it rains. It's not interesting stuff! And you can't take pretty pictures from the inside of a little house :( The other reason is because when it rains, it cuts out the internet. So even if I did want to kill time on the internet (I do), it is not possible! Fortunately, I went to civilization for the weekend :)

I like the lunches, delicious! A lot of salads. But really tasty salads!

One of my walks after work and before the rain :)

The mountains are a nice backdrop while we work!

This is their pet rabbit. He just mills around the grass. I call him Fluffy, Brandon called him Chocolate. I forgot the real name...

Brandon started the Rainy Day Olympics. His record was 4 levels. I CRUSHED HIM!

A look at my dinner most nights (and potatoes a lot)

On our way out. Brandon was returning to Canada and I was going to FISE. The family said if we didn't get a ride in an hour, then to call them. Walk an hour with our heavy bags! I was very surprised that they wouldn't drive Brandon to the train station on his last day. He even emailed them and asked and they said they would in the email. Anyway, we got super lucky! The first car stopped and gave us a ride. And even better! He bought us both coffee at the cafe and said bon voyage! Super nice guy.

I had just enough time in Nice to get a Croque Madame at the Nomad Cafe. Soo good. A man laughed at me for taking this pic...

FISE! So amazing! There were 400,000 people there watching these events over the weekend. It reminded me of the US Surf Open in Huntington Beach.

They had courses all over for Bmx, skate, inline, wake boarding, and mountain biking. They also had fun sections for slack line and pogosticking.

And this giant may to practice big airs.

This is the rollerblading park. Huge and deadly! I was there for five minutes and then Amandine does this HUGE backflip to shin crusher on the launch ramp. She went to the hospital because they thought she broke it (bad sprain, phew!). But she had the name of her friend I was going to stay with and I had no way of reaching her now! Fortunately, I look to my right, and there's Rosie, a rollerblader from Scotland that I knew through Facebook! She hooked me up with a place to stay within minutes. I love how rollerbladers help each other out! Thanks, Rosie!

She also invited me to dinner with these peeps. They're all from the UK so it was nice to speak English for a bit!

This was the room I stayed in for two nights :)

During some exploring, I went to a mall and went to the bathroom there. I felt like a runway model, just look at this place!

I officially want to learn wake boarding after watching the women's comp. it looks so fun!

There was a tent selling inline stuff! When does that ever happen!?

Tons of people!

Not a great place to get around on crutches though! I didn't get many pictures for a chunk of time because I was super sick. I'm not sure if it's because I eat basically like a vegan at the farm and then ate meat when I arrived or if I just ate something that was bad. Either way, I was sick! Getting to the hotel took forever that night because I had to keep getting off to be sick :( fortunately it was only for the night! The next day I didn't eat anything, but at least I was it getting sick anymore! And I got to watch the cool spine comp and street battle! I met Lauren (also from Scotland) and she watched the spine comp with me, and bought me soda! Thanks Lauren! We'll definitely skate when I go to the UK :)

This was one of street spots. We had to stop abruptly because someone busted the door on the box and it started hissing. That's when we realized that it was a gas line thing! We all got out of there quickly!

And all took the team to the next spot. Needless to say, we didn't all fit...

Amandine tried to get creative for a faster way to travel. This carriage was broken, alas, so it was a long hobble uphill to the last spot.

This rail! What a great community!
Now I made it back to my favorite hostel in Nice and I'm going to the beach tomorrow before going back to the farm life :) Next blog post will probably be for Italy in a couple weeks! Till then!
Grammar in the first sentence...France is making you a tad bit rusty! Also, that girls holding the carriage and her head looks like she just heard an explosion.