Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4 days in Germany (not lost)

Day 1 we went to downtown Weinheim and strolled through the streets (tourist style)
Directions with these argumentative folks 
I explored this cool fort! Windeck it's called. Very neat and lots of stairs. I got my cardio ;)
The AHMAZING view from the top
The otherwise shows more of the ruin and a tent for eating. I walked up from way down there in the city! Aunt Trina and her super nice friend, Judy, awaited my return down there :)
I went the back way down through the woods!
And of course, it was beautiful
We swung by the next morning to see the market
And went by the oldest tree in Germany! That is a big ol tree

Heidelberg with Aunt Trina!

We were dropped off by the bridge and walked through Heidelberg 
And of course I had to explore this cathedral!
And climb more stairs (I ran up these!)
Here's the view of Heidelberg :)
You can see the castle (Schloss, in German) in the background. Fear not! I went there the next day ;)
This antique bookstore would only be better if I was able to read German!

The next day, I went to the Schloss alone so I could sprint all over the grounds ;)
And it was gorgeous! I ate a bratwurst while walking around. mmmmmm.
Impossible to get this without ten people crossing my path >:(
One of the towers didn't do well with time...

Lots of stairs, but so pretty, I loved it!
Just look at that greenery!
Good ol nature on the walk back down from the Schloss.

And then I returned to Chalais, France with no mishaps on the train!
Just kidding I totally blew it and missed my train. More on that once I take a few photos from my unplanned stop in Bordeaux for the night with my new friends, Marta and Guillaume!

1 comment:

  1. yo those statues totally remind me of the Lutece twins from bioshock infinite!!
