Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It's 5 days out from departure! I'm creating this blog to help keep all my adventures documented in order. It also helps to keep me from telling a story one million times ;) If you're new to the blog (hey, me, too!) here's a quick update:

I'm going to France for 6 months and travelling around! I'll be doing this through the WWOOFing program.

WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) allows travelers to visit France (or other countries) and learn the language, culture, and farming of France. You can be a 'non tourist.' I'm thrilled about this because I will go and be a sponge! I've wanted to take my high school French and improve it; I knew a week in Paris wouldn't do that...

So that's how I ended up with this plan! As of now, I have the first 3 farms scheduled. I'm set until July 22. I'll stay on each farm for 1 month. I'm excited to get started! I hope you enjoy the plethora of photos I post on here. If you have any questions about how I planned my trip, shoot me a comment :)


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