Thursday, April 17, 2014

Limoges, France

We went to Limoges today and walked about the streets. It was really interesting because all tr buildings were built at different times and we could figure what decade it was built by looking at them. I'm saying the royal "we" meaning Pete and Sue, of course. Here are some pictures I snapped today!
Street in Limoges 
Another street in Limoges
The ancient church among all the shops.
This ancient church was amazing! I'm not a religious person, but it was so peaceful in there, I could see spending time to reflect. 
This building was painted in the 80s to symbolize the square in earlier times. Photo op!
I took this picture of Sue and I (selfie style) at a cafe for lunch in the square. Pete was allll the way on the other side of the table, alas. But there will be a photo of all of us before we leave, believe you me!

My favorite part of the day was visiting the Cathédrale Saint-Étienne. It was so huge! They started building it in 1273 and finished in 1888! Can you imagine?! Patience...anyway, I love the architecture, so here is a bundle of pictures I took while exploring :)

All throughout the cathedral, the heads and faces were missing or destroyed on the angels or statues from during the revolution. Such a shame to destroy this detailed work!

This weird fuzzy/pokey tulip in the garden by the cathedral...

What a fun day!


  1. Somehow, I can see that you and Sue are related. Am I right or am I right?!

  2. You're wrong actually! Sue is married to Pete, who is related to me ;)
