Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The last few days at farm #1 in Rouffiac, France

Everyone here is so nice! I was sad to see Barbara's parents leave (I thought they lived there) and her sister, Rochelle, is also leaving tomorrow. We will go to the train station together, though! So that will be fun. I'm visiting Aunt Trina in Germany for 4 days. I leave tomorrow so Rochelle and I will take the Bordeaux train together and then separate. Here are some pictures I've snapped over the past few days :)
Barbara and Celestine the mouse with the cat
Skate trip with the family!
Bernard wants to become a skateboard professional!
Barbara was fearless!
She tried both! I fought Ema to go do the ramp on her rollerblades. And Celestine is getting rollerblades soon :) Recruiter Cass, that's me!
They got me to try this oyster... Je n'aime pas.....
Lunch with everyone!
I helped to clean out the bee hives :)
Nicest dog ever!
Potato prep with Ema
Second time to the skatepark!

I taught Ema hacky sack! They don't know this game. We ended up just throwing it to each other haha
Fresh baked bread all the time. I'll be spoiled forever, sorry everyone! Jerome makes the best bread.
And the best lemon tarts...heavenly!

We had dinner with the nicest couple ever. They are bread connoisseurs and travel to buy Jerome's bread. When I say nicest, I mean LITERALLY the NICEST people EVER. I miss them after only knowing them for a few hours.

Look for some Germany photos tomorrow!

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