Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Making it to Auzillac

I've been at my cousin's place for two days now and it's great! I made it from Paris yesterday. I took the shuttle to the Paris train station. Then I took the B train, changed to C train, and arrived at Gare d'Austerlitz (a bigger train station). I already had my deat reserved on that train and took it to La Souterainne (3 hr ride) to be picked up by Pete, my cousin. It only cost 15€! Total, I spent 22 hours travelling. I was beat!! But it helped me get used to the 6 hour time difference very quickly :)
This kid was playing the piano in the gare and he was amazing! That piano is there for anyone to play, which I thought was amazing. 
He was swarmed by these impressed kids :)

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