Thursday, April 24, 2014

Not My Best Idea Ever...

So, it's common knowledge for most of you that I'm not a fan of bugs. One might even say that I fear them. It could even be said that I don't like making eye contact or acknowledging their existence... Anywho, keeping this in mind, it may come as a surprise to you all that I offered to watch as Barbara moved the bees into a new beehive yesterday. I know it doesn't sound like the greatest idea, but it's all for the sake of photos and memories! It's for you! 

Side note: Bees can sense your fear.

So here are the few photos I took before the first bee crawled under my protective hood and onto my neck. Before the rest of his friends joined in and fed on my slight discomfort (panic? Pfft, only if a head banging, hairtie flying, handflailing sprint counts as panic... Not in my book). Fortunately, I kept a cool head (afore mentioned non panic) as I quickly made my way to safety, in the mean time, I was stung on my hand, shoulder and neck (3 times on the back of my neck). Apparently, if you flail your hair, all the bees want in on that. And it's hard to get them out...

Back when I was young and naive
Prior to my immediate departure from the vicinity.

Shockingly, the world did not end and later we walked Rochelle, Barbara's sister, and Celestine, Barbara's daughter, on horseback.
I lead Rochelle on this beauty
During lunch, Celestine and I had a cat petting party. My fav!

So I survived the day with new memories! Huzzah!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should do it again! But this time, have someone film your flail dance!! I mean, you said this was for us. And what better memory and story to tell, and even better SHOW, your grandkids?!
