Sunday, April 20, 2014

Rouffiac, France

 I'm at my new home for the next month, in Rouffiac. Pete and Sue were kind enough to drive me 2 hours to get here. Thanks Pete and Sue! The family is very friendly! I'm staying with Barbara and Jerome and their two daughters, Emma and Celestine. Barbara speaks English well and helps me, but for the most part, everyone only speaks French. I can't wait to pick it up so I don't have to struggle so much with communicating! I feel bad for answering most things with "Je ne comprend pas."
 My room
 Emma (left) and Celestine being pushed by yours truly, the greatest swing master of all time.
 My students

Barbara, Emma, and Celestine on our scenic bike ride.

All in all, a great first day! The food has been great! Barbara made lunch and dinner from scratch for 8-9 people. Very impressive :) The only thing was during dinner I had a glass of wine (I was in France, and Daniel said it was the best in France while we had lunch earlier) I wanted to try it. Anyone new here...I don't drink, ever! Anywho, I'm sure it was the greatest wine in history, however, it tasted too alcohol-y for me. A lot. So I had one sip and almost gagged. I couldn't think of a single way to poor it back or offer it to someone without sounding like a complete pansy/rude American. So I sat, trying to figure a way for a while! Finally, during clean up. I did a slight of hand and dumped it into my non clear water cup before poring it in the sink, under the guise of cleaning the water cup. It wasn't much wine! If you're ever reading this, Barbara, I'm sorry! It's my first day and I don't know you all well enough to make that big of a fool of myself :((((((

At least there's a funny story out of it ;)

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. That little girl looks like she's flying sideways on that swing!! How terrifying!! Also, who's Daniel?
